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Here are a few tips to help you avoid credit card debt:

  1. Only use your credit card for necessary expenses, and avoid using it for non-essential purchases.
  2. Pay your credit card bill in full each month. This will help you avoid interest charges and other fees.
  3. Use your credit card wisely. Don’t charge more than you can afford to pay off each month, and avoid maxing out your credit card or using it for cash advances, which can be very expensive.
  4. Keep track of your spending. Use a budget or other financial management tools to track your spending and ensure that you are not overusing your credit card.
  5. Use only one or two credit cards. Having too many credit cards can make it difficult to manage your finances and avoid debt. Limit yourself to only the credit cards that you really need.
  6. Consider switching to a low-interest credit card or one with a 0% introductory APR offer. This can help you save money on interest and make it easier to pay off your credit card balance.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are having difficulty managing your credit card debt, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a non-profit credit counseling agency or a financial advisor. These professionals can provide valuable advice and guidance to help you avoid credit card debt and improve your financial situation.

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